This On-site massage is done in your office on a special massage chair, commonly referred to as simply “chair massage”. Given in increments of 10 to 20 minutes per client, no oils or creams are used, done through the clothing. It typically focuses on key tension areas in the back, head, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. Chair massage is an excellent break during the busy corporate day to help relieve stress. This massage is particularly useful for treating or preventing repetitive stress conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, a serious issue common among frequent keyboard users and tension headaches, to name a few. Many studies have shown that workplace massage increases employee productivity, promotes positive attitudes, as well as contributes to a decrease in sick days. The American Institute of Stress reported that job stress and related problems costs employers approximately $200 billion plus, per year. Many companies are finding that on-site chair massage is an important part of their wellness program. According to several studies, this healing therapy has resulted in reduced sick leave and absenteeism (and significant economic savings for the employers). As Benjamin Franklin said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Massage @ the office= Healthier, happier, sharper employees.
Reflexology is the application of appropriate pressure by thumbs and fingers to specific points and areas on the hands and feet in order to improve the recipient’s health. This powerful therapy is conveniently done in a special reflexology lounge chair. Reflexologists understand that these areas and reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the organs and person’s general health. According to several studies, this healing therapy has resulted in reduced sick leave and absenteeism (and significant economic savings for the employers).